Publications, media appearances, presentations & blog posts
My PhD research looked at insertables: devices that go within the human body for non-medical purposes. We coin, and define, insertables as below:
Insertables (ɪnˈsəːtɪəb(ə)l/) - N
Devices that go in, though and underneath the skin. This includes devices that an individual can insert and remove themselves and those that must be inserted by a trained professional.
Socio-technical context for insertable devices
Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
Insertables: Beyond Cyborgs and Augmentation to Convenience and Amenity
Technology-Augmented Perception and Cognition, Springer 2021
Towards Insertables: Devices inside the human body
First Monday 2017
Military Insertables: Lessons from Civilian Use.
IEEE Technology & Society Magazine 2017
Superhuman Abilities Could Lurk Under your Skin
University of Melbourne PURSUIT
Insertables: I've got IT under my skin.
ACM Interactions 2016
Preliminary findings at The University of Melbourne CIS Doctoral Consortium 2015 - 10 interviews in. View full size poster here.
Researching Human Enhancement: Life of Cyborgs
Sparky Thoughts
17th October 2018
This woman is living with wearable technology under her skin
13 March 2018
(No video available)
National Nine News (Channel 9/WIN)
Peter Hitchener & Laura Spurway
27 July 2015
Radio & podcasts
WA Afternoons
ABC Radio Perth
20th June 2018
ABC Radio Brisbane
22nd March 2018
All Day Breakfast with Red Symons
774 ABC Melbourne
27th Sept 2017
Audio not available.
Mornings with Leon Compton
ABC Northern Tasmania
Audio not available.
Saturday Breakfast with Hilary Harper
ABC Melbourne
1st July 2017
Parallel Line with Sara Savage
102.7 RRR FM
12th April 2017
Dangerous Minds Podcast with c00p3r, Cur50r and Damien
25th December 2016
Listen on the UXPod website here
Machine I: An Interview with Kayla Heffernan
UXPod Podcast with Gerry Gaffney
14th July 2016
Byte in IT with Vanessa Toholka
102.7 RRR FM
4th May 2016
All Day Breakfast with Red Symons
774 ABC Melbourne
16th Feb 2016
Morning's with Ali Clark
891 ABC Adelaide
16th Feb 2016
Mitchell's Front Page with Mitchell Dye
94.7 The Pulse
15th Feb 2016
No audio preview
Newspapers & Blogs
X-ray of Shanti Korporaal's microchip implants
Greek Newspaper
21st May 2018
Use your hands to pay, unlock the door, and as an e-pass. The future is now here
Craving Tech
2 November 2017
Pause Fest launches 2018 festival by injecting participants with tiny microchips
Smart Company
2 November 2017
The Herald Sun
3 November 2017
Inserting electronic devices into the body becoming popular with Melburnians
The Leader
26 September 2017
No more keys or cards? Technology goes under the skin
The University of Melbourne Press Release
15th 6 2016
Insertables: You put what where?
BuzzConf Night
November 2017
Insertables talk
BuzzConf Meetup
April 2017
Military Insertables: Lessons from Civilian Use.
Ninth Workshop on the Social Implications of National Security 2016. "The Socio-ethical Implications of Implantables in the Military Sector".
June 2016
You Put What, Where? Hobbyist Use of Insertable Devices.
CHI 2016 San Jose
May 2016
Insertables from my blog
There are predictable questions I get asked over and over again when someone finds out what I research, and that I have 2 microchips inside my body. These same questions pop up on social media every time I appear on TV or in the news.
Some people refused to believe the reality of how these chips work, and there’s no point trying to change these minds; the “the Government is secretley tracking you with a microchip you received at birth, it’s all about the New World Order and they’ll switch you off if you don’t comply” crowd.
This post is not for them. This post answers the FAQs for people genuinely interested in learning about the technology and educating themselves on the reality.