I am a UXer, researcher & presenter
You can download a public version of my CV here. If you want to get in contact use this form or LinkedIn.
A more detailed portfolio is available (password protected - 13MB). If I have applied for a job with you, you will have the password from my private CV.
I am a UX leader with over a decade experience advocating for all users to find the best user experience for everyone that meets business needs. I am passionate about research, not just pushing pixels. UX goes beyond the screen. I thrive on solving ambiguous problems with accessible and inclusive solutions. Research, empathy and communication is key to creating these solutions. My background in Information Systems has given me an appreciation of computer science and programming, enabling me to communicate with business people and engineers alike.
I am a motivated self-starter who gets joy out of work - working, presenting or writing blog posts. To manage all of this I have impeccable time management skills. While working I completed my PhD and masters where my research focused on UX in developing an interactive e-health app for complex messaging to improve Vitamin D status in young women.
UX Design
This image gives an indicative overview of my work and education history.
Full career history is in my CV. Where possible I blog about my work to act as a portfolio
UX research
There's no other way to start a UCD process, than researching the user. My research skills from industry and academia include:
A/B Testing plans
Cognitive walkthrough
Heuristic evaluations
Literature reviews
Usability evaluation
Usability testing
User needs analysis
Qual & quant research including surveys and interviews
Quantitative data analysis from usage logs
Academic research
Besides my normal day-to-day UX research (usability testing, qualitative and quantitative analysis, concept validation etc ) I have published research as part of my Masters (completed) and PhD (in progress).
The UX of Insertables - Devices in, through, and underneath the skin
Everything to do with my current PhD research is on the Insertables Page
It is known that researchers, artists and hobbyists have augmented their bodies in new ways by voluntarily inserting non-medical devices. However, what devices are being used for and why insertable was the mode selected, are not well documented. Prior work documents single case studies or individual participant use. There is a research gap to understand what people are inserting into themselves voluntarily and why? This knowledge will inform future use and design and position insertables as a device mode of choice for users and a legitimate category for hardware manufactures, HCI researchers and interaction designers alike.
Developing Interactive e-Health Apps for Complex Messages: Leveraging the Safe-D Case Study (Masters Research)
Smartphone devices have become ubiquitous, and with this e-health apps common. However, the efficacies of available e-health apps vary greatly due to lack of behavioural change theory, scientific foundations and healthcare professional involvement in development. My masters research leveraged the Safe-D case study to develop an app, also named Safe-D, to improve vitamin D status in young women, safely, through persuading UV exposure.
The potential of eHealth Apps to Support Targeted Complex Health Messages
Journal of General Practice
Other research
2010 report into how well Pubilc Transport apps are being met
A theoretical set of apps designed for e-health software and applications project.
Presentations on Insertables and my PhD work can be found on the Insertables Page.
When I'm not busy working or studying, I can be found presenting. If you want me to talk at your event get in contact.
Designing for users you didn't know existed
The Web Meetup, September 2017. Watch below
Design is as good (or flawed) as the people who make it
UX Australia, Melbourne 2016. Listen below
Designing for People you didn't know existed
UX Australia, Brisbane 2015. Listen below
Other presentations
Keynote - UoM Virtual Careers Event (2021)
UX Houston (2020)
HIC (2019)
A11y Byes (2019)
PauseFest (2018)
Buzzconf (2017)
Ladies that UX (2017)
The Web Meetup (2017)
A11y Bytes (2017)
Buzzconf meetup (2017)
Guest lecture at The University of Melbourne - Emerging Technologies (2015, 2016, 2017)
DLVT Student Careers Forum (2016, 2015)
Melbourne Geek Night (2016)
CHI (2016) San Jose
Melbourne University IDL (2014, 2015, 2016)
UX Australia Melbourne redux (2015)
UX Gatherings (2015)
IxDA meetup (2015)
Future of IT Careers Panel (2015)
Careers Panel (2015)
Quantified Self Meet-up (2014)
Health Informatic Society of Australia (HISA) AGM 2014
Guest lecture at The University of Melbourne - Requirements Engineering 2014
Guest lecture at The University of Melbourne - Usability Testing 2014
Health Informatics Knowledge Management Workshop (HIMK2014) at Australasian Computer Science Week
Return to Studies (2014)
Student Careers Forum - Victorian IT Teachers Association (VITA) Conference and Expo (2013)
Rebranding? There’s a lot online about why to rebrand, how to decide new colours, how to get people on board etc. But how should we alert users to the change? These 4 principles should help you guide your choices